How it all started

Born Tina Choy in Dublin, Ireland to a Hong Kong 2nd generation immigrant family. My grandfather came to Ireland in the 1950’s setting up a restaurant business. Being the first born to chinese parents and one parent being deaf has sculpted me to be the person I am today.

It is a life that is familiar to many yet unfamiliar to a lot. My journey to yoga hasn’t been smooth it came about over 15 years ago when a friend brought me to a outdoor yoga class on a sunny saturday morning. I connected with a teacher after attending many classes to find out who and which style I liked. From there I found my mind at peace in the moment of movement. I have fallen off and on the yoga wagon through out the years but have always connected back to yoga. It all came to a head through various injuries including a minor car crash and a corporate life that locked me to my chair that exascerbated the scoliosis in my spine. My hip literally shifted to the right. Through yoga I came to quieten down my body pains and mind. The physicality of my practice has changed me I now stand taller.

Moving beyond pain

I attended workshops and classes to deepen my knowledge throughout the years and in 2021 I took the plunge to study for my foundation 200 hr RYT at The Elbowroom in Dublin, Ireland with Susie Murray. This was more so for my benefit initially but in teaching a few karma classes I found a connection with people of all age groups that needed to open up their movement to yoga and release the tension, aches and pains of life. At Vikasa yoga in Thailand 2023 under the following teachers Kosta Miachin, Shakti bird, Daniel Rama, Michael Lazano and Niki Lundberg I qualified for my 300hr RYS in advanced yoga teacher training where I deepened my knowledge of yoga, pranayama, meditation, philosophy and anatomy. Being immersed in Koh samui with 22 like minded caring souls has been a revelation

Life and Lessons

Working in a corporate enviroment has given me the insight to help others and if I can’t I can always point you in the right direction. I’ll continue to learn and develop myself with the aim to sharing this knowedge to enable better movement in your life.

